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Media Appearances

We love to write books and be guests on other shows, podcasts, and websites!

Here are some of our recent media appearances.


Jackie has written two books! Take a little time to read them!


We were a guest on the following videos. Take a moment to watch.


We were a guest on the following podcasts. Take a moment to listen. 

Date of PodcastWebsite (Hidden - For Sorting Website Column)WebsiteEpisodeWho is the Guest
02/12/2024Everyone's Talkin' MoneyCrash! Money Trauma and Recovery with Catching up to FI's Bill and BeckyBill Yount and Becky Heptig
08/13/2023Choose FICatching Up to FIBill Yount and Becky Heptig
08/3/2023Financially Intentional PodcastLate Starters: Catching Up to FI - Episode 37Bill Yount
06/19/2023Bigger PocketsBigger Pockets MoneyThe Late Starter’s Guide to Financial Independence (Even in Your 50s!)Bill Yount and Becky Heptig
03/30/2023White Coat InvestorWhite Coat InvestorOvercoming A Late StartBill Yount
03/13/2023Earn & InvestEarn and InvestIs It Ever Too LateBill Yount and Becky Heptig
10/20/2022Earn & InvestEarn and InvestThe Consequences of Being Unconscious With Your MoneyBill Yount
11/10/2020Financial ResidencyFinancial ResidencyPause, Plan, Pivot to Overcome Financial Mistakes Bill Yount
09/07/2020Earn & InvestEarn and InvestHow We're Surviving 2020Bill Yount
08/10/2020Micro Empires with Jennifer GrimsonThe Culture of Money vs Financial IndependenceBecky Heptig
04/23/2020Go Bucket YourselfGo Bucket YourselfIt's Never Too Late to StartBecky Heptig
11/20/2019Two Frugal Dudes2 Frugal DudesLifestyle Deflation for a Better LifeBill Yount
11/04/2019Choose FIIs It Too Late?Becky Heptig
07/29/2019Earn & InvestEarn and InvestDealing With Burnout on Your Path to FI Bill Yount


We were featured in these articles. Take a moment to read. 

Contact Bill or Jackie

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

Catching up to FI Podcast Onboarding Form

Welcome to Catching Up to FI! We are a mindset, money, and life podcast for late starters of any age on the journey to financial independence.

We are excited to have you as a guest on the show!

The Zoom link for our call will be on the date and time that we have arranged. It includes Bill’s cell phone if you need to reach him for any reason. It is greatly appreciated if you are able to utilize a podcast quality microphone and headphones for your show. We use the ATR 2100 microphone.

We will share a copy of the edited show with you prior to the date it drops for your review. We respectfully reserve all rights to the use of the audio and video content on the Catching Up to FI platform. We would appreciate it if you would help us promote your show on your platforms in order to grow our audiences and get the content out to those that wish and need to hear it.

Thank you for agreeing to be a guest on Catching Up to FI. Please communicate with us via regarding any questions, comments, or feedback that you have for us.

Most of all this should be fun!

Let’s catch up to FI together,

Bill & Becky

Note: Any content provided to the hosts of this podcast and blog becomes property of this podcast, blog and website and can be used for the educational benefit of our audience and may be published to our platform. All rights reserved.

Guest Blog Post Onboarding Form

Note: Any content provided to the hosts of this podcast and blog becomes property of this podcast, blog and website and can be used for the educational benefit of our audience and may be published to our platform. All rights reserved.